+1 321 438 1069 monika@harmonicenergy.org

Sessions, prices, appointment booking



This is an extremely special, revolutionary method and requires a high degree of trust and acceptance. Quoting Einstein’s words: “The medicine of the future will be frequency medicine”.

I live in the United States, and I hold sessions via online (Messenger, WhatsApp, Skype, Google Meet or Viber) video chat or phone for my clients anywhere in the world. In order to dispel all doubts and skepticism and develop mutual trust, and to decide whether we can work together, I hold the first discovery session (15 minutes) free of charge, so that anyone can experience and try the energy harmonization release risk-free.

The first free 15-minute discovery session gives both of us the opportunity to test whether we would be suitable for teamwork. This way I can see if you are someone I can help and you will see if I am someone you can trust to guide you on your way to recovery.

At this discovery session, I will explain the working basics of the Emotion Code system, and present the releasing process. We will discuss what problems you are looking for a solution to, and we will test whether there is trapped emotional energy or an energetic imbalance behind your specific blockages. We’ll test if you have heart-wall. The heart-wall blocks the flow of love on both sides, sending and receiving, and causes depression and anxiety. On a physical level, it tightens the upper and middle back, shoulders, neck and chest.
If we both agree, we can dissolve 2-5 negative emotions or imbalances that no longer serve your higher good. This way you can experience the releasing process.

If we both feel that there is harmony between us and we can work together, then you can schedule your first full-length first session.

An average person stores about 100-200 emotions with negative vibrations, which distorts their energy system, depending on their mental makeup, sensitivity, and how long they have been working on themselves and where they are on the path to self-knowledge. During one session (1-hour treatment), an average of 10-15 negative energy blocks in the Emotion Code system and 10-20 energy imbalances in the Body Code system can be gently resolved and corrected without emotional upheaval.

In the first session, we will also determine that approximately how many sessions do you need to remove the energy blocks behind your problem, and we will also test how long would it take to clean the entire energy system.

During the energy harmonization sessions, we cleanse the spirit body and soul by decoding and dissolving negative vibrations, align the energy body with the physical body, so we can re-create a healthy unity of the body, the soul and the spirit. After each session, I send a detailed email about the energetically corrected blocks.

The method also works if we only want to work on a single problem, whether it is an emotional blockage or we are looking for a spiritual cause behind our physical health problem or a misalignment in the energy body. But if we get involved in the process and accept the change, we release all our trapped negative emotions, blockages and correct our imbalances, then we can continue our lives on a higher vibrational level as almost a new person, free, as our true self.

ATTENTION! Unfortunately, I am unable to accept patients who are currently under psychiatric treatment, taking anti-psychotics (medication for the treatment of psychotic symptoms), or active drug/consciousness-altering agent users, or patients under the influence of alcohol.

IMPORTANT! During the joint work, I am bound by complete confidentiality, which means that I treat all information during the sessions as confidential, be it of a family, work, relationship or other nature. My obligation of confidentiality also applies after the conclusion of the joint work.

No audio or video recordings will be made of the sessions without your consent, and you may not make a recording without my consent either. Violation of this has criminal consequences.


The first 15-minute consultation is free.

The price of 1 session is 85 USD.

3-session package: 240 USD

5-session package: 375 USD


Book your appointment

In the schedule below, the dates are determined according to US Eastern Time. If you live in a different time zone, please contact me at monika@harmonicenergy.org and we will arrange a time that works for both of us.

Do you have a question?

harmonic energy


+1 321 438 1069



Opening hours

Monday: 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: closed
Friday: 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Weekends: closed