+1 321 438 1069 monika@harmonicenergy.org
harmonic energy

Emotion Code, Body Code and Belief Code energy healing

Become the best version of yourself with the Emotion Code, Body Code and Belief Code!


Energy harmonizing and balancing treatment

The Emotion Code®, the Body Code™ and the Belief Code® methods that I use may allow us to decode and to permanently remove the trauma energies, negative emotional vibrations, stress, fear, pain, addiction, anger, negative belief systems and programs etc. It is also possible to correct the energetic imbalances behind the issues of the physical body with the help of this technique. My main focus and intention is to release the deepest root causes of my Clients’ issues in order to achieve positive change.


Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.” (Paolo Coelho)

Monika Harmund

“The influence of the past does not go away as long as we are attached to it with feelings in the form of negative vibrations trapped in our energy body that prevent our fulfillment in the present. In order to live as the best version of ourselves and to be in control of our own destiny, we must get rid of these low frequency energies.”



My name is Monika Harmund Csanyi, I’m an energy healer, a Certified Emotion Code, Body Code and Belief Code practitioner

Emotion Code Body Code Belief Code Practitioner

I can help those who come to me to achieve positive change in any emotional or health difficulty, relationship problem, a challenge at work or with money, in the area of abundance or any other blockage. I am certified to use the full range of this unique method of the Emotion Code, the Body Code and the Belief Code techniques developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson.

In 2022, I expanded my knowledge of One Brain – 3 in 1 Concepts kinesiology acquired in Hungary back in 2008 by learning the revolutionary new quantum healing technique, the Emotion Code, and then the Body Code and Belief Code techniques, obtaining a certified practitioner qualification.

I received my Reiki II. certification in 2023, and my Spiritual Response Technique (SRT) II. certification in 2024, which gives me the opportunity to manage complete energy harmonization processes.

It has become not only my profession, but also my mission to cleanse the energetic system of as many people as possible in the shortest possible time by releasing the deepest root causes of their issues, in order to help others to reach a higher level of vibration and live a healthy and happy life.

If you want to change, I’m happy to help!

Modalities I use

Emotion Code

Emotion Code is an energy medicine method similar to One Brain – 3 in 1 kinesiology, but with faster results. With its help, we can discover and remove our trapped emotions, the energies that are stuck in our body due to past emotional experiences, negative thoughts and unhealthy, toxic connections and cause chaos and imbalance on a quantum level. With the help of the method, we can achieve positive physical changes and healing. Developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson in the early 1990s, this technique is a safe, gentle, and non-invasive process that can help us feel more energetic, happier, calmer, more creative, more connected to others, and possibly reduce physical discomfort.

Body Code

The Body Code™ is a patented, revolutionary energy-balancing system, intended to help anyone uncover the root causes of discomfort, sickness, or suffering. By using the Body Code System practitioners can identify energetic imbalances within the body, and release them.

Using the Body Code System can provide benefits across a broad spectrum of issues! Since energy can become trapped anywhere within the body, it has the potential to wreak havoc on almost every part of the self – body, mind, and spirit. Luckily, the Body Code addresses these issues by removing trapped energetic imbalances of all kinds, often providing instant relief!

Belief Code

With this groundbreaking new form of energy healing, we can remove negative belief systems from the subconscious mind. Building on the basic concepts taught by Emotion Code® and Body Code™, Belief Code® takes energy healing to an even higher level. Our core belief system can have a dramatic effect on how we perceive every aspect of our lives! The four main layers of the Faulty Belief System (faulty core identity, faulty core belief, limiting beliefs and negative programs) are dealt with by the Belief Code, allowing us to systematically release unwanted negative beliefs.

Spiritual Response Technique (SRT)

The Spiritual Response Technique is a quick and accurate spiritual healing method that helps remove blocks that prevent you from living a happier life. SRT works at the spirit level to help eliminate spiritual, mental, emotional and physical challenges.

When a technique works on the spirit level, rather than an emotional or mental one, it is possible to find causes related to past life(s), problems in the spiritual realm, and the creation of the soul itself. Sometimes our physical problems are related to the creation process of the soul.

SRT is a powerful healing method that releases negative programming at the spirit level. A “program” is the root cause of a problem or symptom that negatively affects our lives. Programming can be positive or negative. With SRT, we only clean up negative programming. Releasing subconscious programs allows the soul to step into full expression of joy and well-being.

3 in 1 - One Brain Kinesiology

This method aims at the harmony and reunification of the trinity of body, soul, and spirit and the possibility of regaining free choice by relieving negative emotional stress. During my energy harmonization sessions, I also like to use the charts taken from the 3 in 1 – One Brain method when decoding energetic blocks.

I got to know the Emotion Code/Body code methods through Monika. Emotions such as shame, guilt, and the lack of forgiveness or refusal to experience my femininity hindered my daily life. After one session, there were setbacks and I know that I still have work to do, but overall I can say that my life feels much easier and one of the greatest gifts is that the lower back pain that accompanied me for more than 20 years is gone.

Although I have not met Monika in person or online, I can say two things for sure: the method works, and Monika is a wonderful, helpful person whom I wholeheartedly recommend to anyone struggling with blockages in their life.

Helga S.

After Monika’s release, my physical symptoms disappeared almost immediately and after a few sessions I completely transformed my life. I never thought that I would be happy to wear clothes of any color other than black. 🙂 However, within 1-2 weeks I noticed that I was putting down the negative energy. At the same time, the other incredible and spectacular change in me is that I reduced the 2 coffees in the morning and the innumerable ones after that to 1, entirely from internal motives. Because it’s good that way. Thank you so much for your incredible expertise and understanding, and for your kindness from the bottom of my heart. From the first moment, you can feel that Monika loves her profession and the clients who come to her. I highly recommend her.

Eszter S.

I tried to improve myself, to solve many problems that life has put in front of me in the recent years, but I realized that I can’t solve everything on my own.

Monika willingly helped and spared no time or energy to cleanse my soul on several occasions. I believe in all branches of energy medicine, but even those who don’t believe it works. Monika provided me with such expertise and information after each session that dispelled all doubts.

You can feel the change, many things are finally coming true in my life, which I have wanted for a long time. I am moving in the right direction, happily, with lots of love in my soul again.

I can only recommend Monika and her Emotional Code/Body Code program!

Diana C.

„Future medicine will be based on controlling energy frequencies in the body.”

Dr. William A. Tiller, Professor Emeritus, Stanford University

To whom do I recommend the method?

For anyone, regardless of age, gender or worldview. For those who feel they have to change something, because they can’t go on like this anymore. Anyone who is stuck in a certain area of their life, feels blocked, unsuccessful, and aimless. Anyone who wants to gain more self-awareness or abandon old habits, beliefs, belief systems, bad habits, behavior patterns, and reactions that no longer work. Those who want to improve their relationships and communication skills. Anyone with any kind of physical symptoms.

Energy harmonization consultation can help effectively in the following cases:

  • personality-, skill-, ability development
  • learning difficulties
  • stage fright, exam stress
  • self-esteem disorders, lack of self-confidence
  • speech errors, stuttering
  • allergies
  • psychosomatic diseases
  • fears of anyone, anything
  • phobias, obsessions
  • addictions
  • anxiety, depression, panic disorder
  • weight problems
  • communication problems
  • relationship conflicts
  • spiritual problems related to childlessness, pregnancy, childbirth, child rearing
  • uncovering the emotional cause of physical symptoms, stimulating the body’s self-healing processes
  • prevention

How does it work?

During the session, the practitioner establishes the connection with the Client and tests the Client through herself/himself by applied kinesiology, so the practitioner is the proxy.

Proxy testing and releasing work is based on quantum physics principles. Although in the physical world distance is a great barrier, in the energetic world the entanglement of energy enables instant connection and communication between energetic particles, without distance limitations. Therefore, through desire and intention, two people can connect, allowing one person to act as a surrogate for the other in order to correct energetic imbalances that may be the underlying causes of physical, mental and emotional ailments.

As soon as the connection, i.e. the quantum entanglement is established, we can get an answer to what is happening to the other person’s body by taking the signals from her/him. Based on the signals, we decode the blocks, and the releasing is carried out by the person playing the role of the proxy. Harmonization affects the person whom we want to help with the releasing, regardless of how far away she/he is from us.

My approach and philosophy

During the energy harmonization sessions, the spiritual body and the soul are cleansed by decoding, releasing and correcting negative vibrations, energetic blocks, and the energy body is harmonized with the physical body. In this way, we can unite the physical body with the soul body and the spirit body by supporting the body’s natural healing ability.

The method can also be used if you only want to work on a single problem, whether it is an emotional blockage or you are looking for a spiritual cause behind your physical or health problem or a misalignment in the energy body. But if you get involved in the process, and accept the change, we release all your trapped negative emotions, blockages, and correct your imbalances. This way you can continue your life on a higher vibrational level, freely.

With the help of the Emotion Code, Body Code and Belief Code systems, we can also reveal your deeply buried feelings that you had no idea about until then, or that you had long forgotten about. Among other things, this emotional baggage consists of fixed opinions, judgments, misconceptions and programs about how life should be and how you should behave.

These illusions can also be accompanied by self-destructive habits, such as smoking and overeating, which reduce our emotional abilities; or with which we manipulate our energy flow: alcohol, drugs, sugar and caffeine; negative behavior patterns, for example in a stressful situation; hidden fear and anger that undermines our relationships with our fellow humans.

Free yourself! The key to liberation lies in releasing your negative feelings and vibrations and correcting your energy body imbalances. It’s just a matter of intention and determination. As soon as the desire for change is born in you, healing can begin. As soon as the pain and difficulty pass, you can fill their place with what you always wanted: love, creative power, peace, harmony. You can gain your freedom and discover your true Self.

Freedom is the inner knowing of who you really are and why you are here. You feel balanced, confident, loved, free from the upheavals of fear, guilt, lack of self-esteem, anger, worry and jealousy. That way, you can finally start doing the work you were born to the Earth for.

Do you have a question?

harmonic energy


+1 321 438 1069



Opening hours

Monday: 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM (EST)
Tuesday: 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM (EST)
Wednesday: 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM (EST)
Thursday: 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM (EST)
Friday: closed
Weekends: closed